Sunday, September 21, 2008

Integrate Your Affiliate Programs to Explode Your Affiliate Income

Tag affiliatemarketinginternetprogramsopportunitiesbuildingtrafficpaymente-book

When you have been involved in affiliate marketing for a year or more you tend to accumulate memberships in a diverse range of Internet programs that are often disconnected.

You will have memberships in a number of income opportunities, downline building programs, traffic exchanges, and payment systems. In addition, you will have one or more domains and web hosting services and access to autoresponders (free and paid). You might also be lucky enough to have a storehouse of e-books and articles that you can draw on.

The problem with this accumulation of diverse programs is that it can cause you to become unfocused and can dissipate or drain your energy.

There are parallels in the corporate world of the 1970’s when companies decided to diversify through random acquisitions. By the 1980’s, many companies were drained by these acquisitions and had to off-load them. The catch-cry was “get back to your core business”. There was a strong move to “integration” of processes, products and services to lift revenue and profit.

In affiliate marketing, you too can explode your affiliate revenue by identifying your core business and integrating other programs around this focus. This will require some hard decisions but it will be worthwhile in the end.

Here are 3 ways that you can achieve integration of your programs.

1. An integrated downline building program

There are numerous downline building programs available that can help you integrate your programs. You need to make sure that the one you choose also builds downlines in your core income producing business.

It should also enable you to build downlines in traffic exchanges, payment systems (such as Paypal, e-Gold, and IntGold) and other downline building systems.

You should also make sure that the owner of the downline building program is genuinely interested in helping you build your downlines and is not just focused on promoting themselves and their own affiliate links.

This form of integration enables you to promote one core program URL and simultaneously build downlines in multiple programs, including your core business.

2. An integrated autoresponder

Often affiliate marketers have one or more autoresponder systems, a separate storehouse of e-books and a different repository for articles.

One way to integrate the functions of ezine publishing, lead capture page creation and list building is to locate a provider/program that gives you an autoresponder integrated with an electronic warehouse of software and e-books and a library of articles for your use.

You can then build lead capture pages that offer an e-book or software (from the integrated warehouse) as a teaser and capture the “lead” as a subscriber to your ezine (through using your autoresponder link). Your weekly ezine can be built from the integrated article library.

Make sure, however, that you are also able to plug-in your own articles. As you become more proficient with writing articles, you will be able to include more and more of your own articles in your ezine and build “resource boxes” or “author profiles” that direct prospects to websites or blogs of your choice.

3. An affiliate marketing coach focused on integration

There are now endless resources available on the Internet to help you with your affiliate marketing. There are e-books, video and audio resources, online tutorials, special reports and e-mail courses on every conceivable topic. Increasingly, many of these resources are free.

However, gaining access to information is no longer the real challenge. The challenge of today’s world is learning how to focus and harness this information to achieve your goals.

This is where an affiliate marketing coach can help you. They can help you identify a niche product/service that draws on your strengths and life history, assist you to develop a comprehensive and integrated marketing plan, and build your confidence in affiliate marketing. Such a resource person is priceless because all the information in the world is of little use to you unless you can translate the great ideas into real, focused action.

If you adopt the “integration” mindset, you will find numerous ways to achieve synergy amongst your programs so that your results grow rapidly because each program is reinforcing the others.

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6 Critical Rules When Building An Affiliate Website

Here are 6 rules you must use when building any affiliate website if you want the website to make you any money.

Building Your Site Rule #1 Always have a strong headline.

No matter how great your sales copy is or how great your content and information is… no one will stick around long enough to read it unless you grab them with your headline.

Make sure you have a compelling enough headline to make the person want to stay and read your information.

Building Your Site Rule #2 Make your home page a strong sales letter that combines elements of an article and an endorsement.

The best way to have a sales letter that is not hyped up and can still do a good “pre-sell” is to have a form of a product “review” or “endorsement.” What most people are interested in is reading the pros and cons about a product. Spend some time and dedicate the home page to a good product, write a good “endorsement” article.

Building Your Site Rule #3 Stop hiding your links. Let your visitors read your articles…

Some advocates of the old mini-site strategy advised you to have NO other links on your site. There was supposed to be just one other link – the BUY NOW link. And I think this still works, but for merchant sites – not affiliate websites.

Remember, your job is to PRE-SELL, not sell. You’re not trying to corner your potential customer, you’re just trying to gain their trust. The best way to gain their trust is to offer them a bunch of useful advice and helpful content. That means you’ll need LINKS to all that good stuff on your site.

Now remember, the other articles on your site should also be “pre-selling” your readers – so one way or the other, you will be able to gain their trust and get the sale.

Building Your Site Rule #4 Offer lots and lots of articles – all with easy navigation.

As PPC gets more and more expensive, it’s getting harder and harder to get qualified leads from search engine advertising. It’s also getting tougher and tougher to find easy shortcuts to a #1 placement. A cheaper and more effective strategy is to patiently work WITH the search engines rather than trying to trick them or buy into them.

How do you work WITH the search engines? You offer content: articles, reviews, specs. If you can provide the search engines with what their users want, then the search engines will gladly send you free traffic. Affiliates are taking a strong turn towards doing search engine optimization and search engines want to see content.

Building Your Site Rule #5 Add some other services and products to your site.

Focus your site on one niche AREA; then introduce additional products or services in key spots throughout the site. These additions should ALWAYS be tightly related to your site theme. Your potential customers are introduced to additional choices in the CONTEXT of an article or a review. You’re giving them additional ways to spend money on you.

And by additional products, I mean products that you have potentially created yourself – high ticket products that can bring in a lot of money. High-ticket affiliate products are OK as well.

Building Your Site Rule #6 Include an FAQ section – most critical!

Almost NO affiliate sites use this strategy. However, it’s one of the most powerful.

You’re probably very well aware of the most common questions people ask? Well, build them into your sales letter/endorsement/article. Use sub-headlines to draw attention to them. The quicker your visitors can find their answers through your website, the quicker they will buy from you and the more they will return to your site.

The above 6 rules should be followed very closely for every affiliate site you ever launch. Together they optimize your website to be the most profitable.

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Top 7 Affiliate Marketing Tips for Newbies

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When a newbie begins an online business, the temptation can be high to join most any affiliate program they see in the hopes of making extra money. Given the amount of products and services that newbie get presented with, and since newbie have a burning desire to make money fast, it is easy to see how the online newbie can get lured into joining a lot of affiliate programs without knowing if they should join them or not.

For the newbie, the danger in joining lots of affiliate programs is multi-faceted. Joining affiliate programs takes time, time the newbie could be using defining their USP, learning about getting targeted traffic, or learning other Internet marketing skills that will actually generate revenue for them. In addition, the newbie who joins lots of affiliate programs in the hopes of making instant profits, is at risk of being disappointed when they don't make money by joining the latest affiliate program and that leads to yet further "unproductivity" and poor use of time.

So, what steps do newbie take to identify the best affiliate program(s) that matches their USP?

1) Define how the affiliate program's offering complements your USP.

You should be able to clearly map out what the affiliate program's offering (product or service) will be useful to patrons or visitors of your web site, list or customer base.

2) Make sure that you fully review the product offered by the affiliate program, use it, and make your own assessment of it.

Don't promote a product from any affiliate program unless you own the product yourself and love it. If you own and love the product that you are promoting, you will be able to sell it more effectively because your energy and excitement level will show through in the deliver of your message to would be customer.

3) Make certain that the web site that sells the affiliate program is set up correctly to sell the product, and sell it well.

The web site that sells the product of the affiliate program should be professional in its layout, design, sales copy, and delivery of the product itself. The web site should have a mechanism to capture the names and emails of the visitors. The web site should also have a strong auto responder series in place to follow up with and sell the visitors of that site on the product.

4) Check to see if the affiliate program should be tracked with cookies so that the referring web site will get credit for each affiliate sale, even the sales that come as a result of the auto responder series.

If the affiliate program doesn't use cookies to track referrals, do not sign up.

5) Pay Per Click Ads

Pay Per Click Ads are a very popular way of promoting affiliate programs. You bid on a keyword, use your text ad and pay the amount you have bid on when someone clicks on your ads. Overture is the most popular, but also one of the most expensive. Use your search engine to do a search to find a ppc that fits your budget.

6) Article Writing

Writing articles is a good way of advertising your affiliate programs for free. Write an article about something relevant to your business opportunity, and place your affiliate website url in the resource box at the end of your article. If the reader has enjoyed your article they may click on your link and you have a potential customer.

7) E-Zine Advertising

E-zine advertising is also a very good way of advertising your affiliate programs. Internet marketers with huge list will sell you space in their e-zine for you to advertise. Prices vary depending on the number of people subscribed to each person's list. You can normally find marketers willing to sell you advertising space in ezine directories.

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10 Ways To Increase Your Affiliate Commissions

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1. Participate in chat rooms related to the product you're reselling. Start a conversation with a person without trying to sell to them. Later on, while you are chatting, mention the product you're reselling.

2. Create a free ebook with the advertisement and link of your affiliate web site. The subject of the free ebook should draw your target audience to down- load it. Also submit it to some ebook directories.

3. Start your own affiliate program directory. Join a large number of affiliate programs and list them all in a directory format on your web site. Then just advertise your free affiliate program directory.

4. Write your own affiliate program ads. If all the other affiliates use the same ads you do, that does not give you an edge over your competition. Use a different ad to give yourself an advantage over all the other affiliates.

5. Use a personal endorsement ad. Only use one if you've actually bought the product or service for the affiliate program. Tell people what kind of benefits and results you've received using the product.

6. Advertise the product you're reselling in your signature file. Use an attention getting headline and a good reason for them to visit your affiliate site. Make sure your sig file doesn't go over 5 lines.

7. Join a web ring. It should attract the same type of people that would be interested in buying the product you're reselling. You could also trade links on your own with other related web sites.

8. Participate on web discussion boards. Post your comments, answer other people's questions, and ask your own questions. Include your affiliate text link under each message you post.

9. Create a free ezine. Use your ezine to advertise the affiliate programs you've joined. Submit your ezine to online ezine directories and promote it on your web site.

10. Start a private web site. Use it as a free bonus if people buy the product you resell. You could also allow people to join for free and you could advertise the affiliate program you've joined.

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What To Look For When Choosing Affiliate Programs

So you've decided you want to become an Internet Marketer, huh? Will you sell someone else's products or sell your own?

If you choose to sell someone else's products, how will you know what to look for? After all, this is a new venture for you.

Or maybe it's not. Maybe you have been trying out some affiliate programs which have not brought you any money, or, worse, have not paid you for the affiliate traffic you have sent them.

If you are the new person, or the person who is floundering in Internet Marketing, this article will offer you some simple tips for choosing an affiliate program.

This article doesn't cover getting traffic to your site, which is another huge piece of the puzzle, and will be covered in a later article, but let's just start with choosing affiliate programs.

#1. You should find affiliate programs that:

a) are relatively easy to set up (code is either created for you or easy to create)

b) will pay you well. This depends on your definition of what being paid well means, but generally, for most beginners, and some novices, if you can see yourself being able to make more than $250/month, the program is at least worth looking at

c) give you products which people actually use. There are lots of products in the market which will sell, but do you really want to be selling pet rocks? If you do, please don't take offense. Most legitimate affiliate advice sites won't feature affiliate programs that are exclusively selling something like 8-Track players and tapes. While there are probably collectors out there who would love an 8-track player and cassettes, the fact is that the market is done with 8-tracks. The point is, there should be a genuine need for, or interest in, what you are selling/reselling.

So you find a program which meets the above criteria. Now what? Do a Google search on the company. Find out what people are saying about them. You may have to dig a bit, but the combined experience of the professionals (and not-so-professionals) who develop and contribute to the Internet on a regular basis is, collectively, the best source of advice you will find on making money, or affiliate programs, anywhere.

If you want advice on some great affiliate programs, you can visit sites which have already reviewed the information about companies and present it to you in a straightforward way. If you are ready to find some great affiliate programs, then you will be able to find categories of affiliate programs on these sites, which will generally represent the type of products you would like to sell.

Search engines love content, and so do your site visitors. Content is one of the most important aspects of getting people to your web site, and helping them to see the value in what you're selling. You should strive to choose programs with products which are related to your web site.

In other words, if you have a site which features information about the Toyota Camry, you're going to be pretty hard pressed to be able to get your page content matched up so that you could sell, say... baby rattles.

Find affiliate programs which relate to what you already do, and then promote those products.

Finally, see if you can find someone to actually talk to (ok, email would be okay) who has received regular checks or payments from marketing products. We think that this is, perhaps, the most important part of any affiliate program, because the main reason you promote their products is to receive a check for your efforts.

So there you have it, some simple tips for choosing great affiliate programs! Hope this helps you to reach your income goals, and also helps you to develop a long-term plan for on and off-line financial and personal success.

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Affiliates Go To School!

It has been said that only 2% of affiliate marketers ever make any “real” money from their efforts. The rest struggle and flounder as they see most of their efforts fail.Rather like master archers hitting the bull’s-eye each time while the rest struggle to sharpen their arrows, draw the bow and try to figure out what to aim at!

Those who run affiliate programs are often very sincere and well meaning, but lack the expertise at marketing. They may have produced a great product, but that doesn’t make them great marketers.

If you want to make money from affiliate marketing then you need to go to someone who’s meets 4 simple criteria.

1.Has made a success at affiliate marketing.

2.Has the skills to teach their success principles.

3.Teaches principles of success for any program and not just their own.

4.Has committed themselves to seeing you become successful and not just inflating their own bank account.

All this can be summed up as quality support for your benefit. Does such support actually exist? Most courses train you and then leave you to “go and put it into action”. They don’t follow through with you until you are successful. The reason is they have no motivation to do so because it's not cost effective.

We are about to see a new era in the field of affiliate marketing. Just recently launched is “Affiliate Classroom” who meet the previously mentioned criteria. This is hugely refreshing. At last proper training without hidden agendas! Training for the benefit of the marketer and not the product owner. I believe we will see a rise in the number of such training programs over the next few years. We may even see affiliate program owners promoting such “classrooms” as part of their own marketing strategy.

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Back-End Selling With Affiliate Marketing

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More and more people are getting into online businesses for a variety of reasons. First, because the Internet provides a wide market for businessmen and selling through the Net is often synonymous to selling their products to the world. Second, because starting an online business requires only a portion of the start-up cost that you will need if you are to set up an actual business establishment. And third, because you would virtually gain more profit online, considering your wide market and your savings.

One aspect of online business today that many people, businessmen and non-businessman alike, are willing to get into is affiliate marketing. Simply said, affiliate marketing is a relationship between a merchant, who has the need to sell and advertise his products, and his affiliates, who are willing to post the merchant's ads in their own websites. The affiliates get paid whenever an action is taken by a visitor on the ad—either in a pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, or pay-per-sale basis.

The selling point of affiliate marketing is that it gets everybody benefited not only a little but a lot. The merchant saves a lot because he only has to pay whenever an action is made on his ad. On the side of the affiliates, they simply earn a living even without trying to. And they get all these benefits by simply getting involved in affiliate marketing. What more if they take affiliate marketing more seriously?

Some people claim that affiliate marketing simply won't work for serious online businesses. They're wrong. Affiliate marketing, if taken more seriously, would translate to larger profits. And yes, both for the merchant and the affiliates. How? Why not get into a tried and tested marketing method of getting more profits—back-end selling!

Back-end selling is simply the selling you do after your initial sale; and that means selling another product to the same customer. The product you sell after the first sale is called, for obvious reasons, the back-end product. Back-end selling has long been proven to be effective in boosting a business's sale, not only for online businesses but for traditional businesses as well. Why? Because if your product is good, you would generally get the trust of your customer after your first sale, and if you have another product that he likes or needs, there is a great chance that he will also buy that product from you. As a businessman or marketer, that means additional profits just from a single customer!

If back-end selling works for traditional and many online marketing strategies, there's no reason why it shouldn't work with affiliate marketing! And it works even better as back-end selling with affiliate marketing may work both for the merchant and the affiliates. It's really just a matter of knowing how to efficiently carry the back-end selling process.

For the merchants:

As a merchant in an affiliate network, you really won't have to concern yourself with the advertising of your initial product as your affiliates should already be doing this for you. This leaves you with enough time and energy to focus your attention on back-end selling. There are a number of ways for you to promote your back-end products to your customers. If you have no idea what these methods are, we provide you with some tried and tested methods in this site.

• Upon ordering the first product from your site, ask your customer if he wants to receive newsletters about your future products. Newsletters are good media for promoting your back-end products.

• Send your customers a thank you letter and try to mention your back-end product at the end of the letter (works both for snail mails and emails).

• Give your customers a call and ask them if they're happy about your product. Then, try to inform them about your back-end products.

• Most online magazines have "customers only" portions in their websites that only subscribers of their printed magazines can access. You can also have a site like this and place your ads for your back-end products there.

• If you're selling electronic products like e-books, find a way to add a link that would direct your customers to your site or have an ad about your back-end product inserted somewhere on the pages.

• Redirect your customers to a "thank you" page after their first purchase and insert in there some of your back-end product ads.

• Insert a flyer or brochure about your back-end products on the package that will be shipped to your customers.

For the affiliates:

Just when you think that back-end selling would only work for the merchants, here I am to negate your thoughts. Back-end selling works as well for the affiliates as it worked for the merchants. And what will your back-end product be? You're affiliate products. Here are a few methods on how you can take advantage of back-end selling with affiliate marketing:

• If your visitor has signed up for a free newsletter on your site, give him a complementary email and have your ad for one of your affiliate products at the end of the mail.

• If your visitor has signed up for free email courses, find a way to insert your back-end affiliate products ads in some portion of each new email course.

• If your site has a download page, place an ad for your back-end product or a link to a page promoting your back-end product somewhere on the download page.

• If you are an affiliate who in turn has products to sell, you can promote your back-end products in the complimentary letter or package that goes along with your product.

Back-end selling does really work with affiliate marketing; it's really just a matter of knowing how to make it work. And it works not only for the merchant but for the affiliates as well.

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Choosing the Best Affiliate Program - What You Absolutely Must Know

Choosing the best affiliate program means that you are aware of what affiliate programs are and what their ultimate benefits and drawbacks are. To choose the best affiliate program, you will want to decide on one that has the most benefits with the least drawbacks. There are many affiliate programs available online, many of them which are not worth even reading about. Because of this fact, you will need to do your research, talk to other affiliate members, and be 100% sure about the type of affiliate program you are looking for. There are some really good programs available, you just need to be persistent, patient, and ask a lot of questions. The following suggestions will help you choose the best possible affiliate program for you.

* Commission

Of course, if you are joining an affiliate program you are doing so for the commissions. There are affiliate programs available online that offer great commissions to their affiliates in order to keep them active and working hard. Then there are other programs that do not pay well, do not keep up with referrals, and basically cheat the affiliate out of hard earned money. Make sure you know exactly what kind of program you are getting involved with and that you will make good money for your time and effort.

* Good Products

Another important aspect of the affiliate programs you are looking at are the products. You might see an affiliate program that has the equivalent of a mall with links to thousands of products. The thought might enter your head that more links equals more business, but in this scenario it is not necessarily true. Generally, the affiliate programs that recognize the most success sell one quality product that a large percentage of the population can use, need, afford, and will actually want. This is the best type of affiliate program to associate yourself with and what you should be looking for.

* Experience

Experience is also important when it comes to affiliate programs. You want to work for an affiliate program that is settled in the market, that knows how to handle the business it is involved in as well as its employees, and is concerned with treating workers fairly and rewarding them for hard work. An experienced affiliate program knows what works and what doesn’t, so don’t be tempted to sign up for a brand new affiliate program just because you want to be one of the first people to join... this might not work to your advantage. It is very important to always do your research before jumping in!

How To Choose The Right Niche To Promote

Easy profit, a worldwide market, manageability of business at home level—all these and a variety of other reasons contributed to the popularity of online businesses. In fact, a lot of businessmen who used to peddle their stuffs in a local area are now getting online. And why not? The Internet provides everyone a chance to market their products to a wider market more conveniently. And you won't even need to have your own product to start marketing online!

If you're new to both the online scene and the marketing scene, there's no better way for you to earn money online than by getting into affiliate marketing. Simply said, affiliate marketing is a relationship between a merchant trying to sell his product online and an affiliate willing to advertise the product or the site of the merchant on his site. The merchant then agrees to pay the affiliate whenever the affiliate directs a visitor to his product's site—that is whenever someone clicks on the merchant's ad on the affiliate's site.

Anybody can get into an affiliate marketing program, but the sad fact is that not everybody gets successful. A lot of people make the mistake of promoting too many products from too many merchants and usually ends up without directing any visitor on their merchants' site. What's the problem with them? They're trying to occupy a very large market—a market that tries to provide a lot of things to a lot of different people—and this concept won't usually work. Before entering into an affiliate program, it is essential for you to first choose a niche to promote.

According to the 1st World Library – Literary Society (, a niche is "an easily identifiable market that can be targeted for direct promotion, i.e. golfers, model plane hobbyists, collectors, etc." In affiliate marketing, the niche would simply be your merchant's market. As a webmaster or a website owner, all the freedom is given to you to choose the niche you are to promote. The problem is how do you actually choose the right niche to promote?

Here are a few guidelines that can aid you in choosing the right niche to promote:

* Choose a market that is not too big yet not too small.

You cannot promote everything that this world has to offer, but neither do we advise you to promote only a single and specific product. There are only a few websites that try to offer almost every product in this world, such as Yahoo and MSN, and it is not a good idea to compete with these multi-million companies if all you've got is a website.

Rather, think of an idea that has a probable market, like cars, computers, fishing, etc., and start from there. If you have picked computers, for example, you won't have to limit yourself to a particular computer type or to a particular computer brand. You can promote desktop computers, laptop computers, notebooks, tablet PC's and other related stuffs.

* Identify your hobbies and interests and start from there.

In affiliate marketing, you cannot be a jack of all trades—promoting just about anything you want to promote. It would do your better to first identify your expertise, and that would usually mean you hobbies and special interests—things that you are good at. If you take what interests you as your niche, there's a greater chance that you can promote that niche better. This would generally mean great contents for your website that are capable of attracting more visitors as well as more potential customers for your merchant.

* Choose a niche that is profitable.

An old marketing adage tells us that in order for anyone to succeed in a marketing venture, he must "find a need and fill it." This adage worked well in traditional marketing and there should be no reason for it not to work in online marketing. Generally, what one has to do is to find what people want to find through the Internet.

You can start searching from various search engines, as these sites can usually provide you with a ranking of the keywords that people search for in their sites for a period of one month. If your niche ranks high in these websites, then good for you as there are probably a lot of people needs or at least are interested on the products you promote. If your niche does not even qualify for the rankings, then you better choose another

Choosing the right niche is probably just one of the many preliminary things that you have to consider before entering into an affiliate program. Aside from the niche, you'll also have to think about the program deals, commission rates, method of payment, and others. But having a good niche to start with would definitely do a lot of good things for you. Often times, the only things that differ from a successful affiliate and an unsuccessful one is the niche they try to promote.


Private High-End Affiliate Relationships

If you have a niche affiliate site that reaches a select, documented high-end demographic, you have a market ripe for marketing to select merchants and advertisers. Instead of offering this group access to existing, established products and services, you have the ability to negotiate special product purchase arrangements and exclusive service arrangements.

Start by understanding what your market wants. Ask and observe. Are they the super-wealthy who want access to the most exclusive independent concierge in New York or London? Do they need to outfit a large home with china, crystal and silver for 48? Or perhaps they want to take protective and evasive driving lessons from the undisputed master. If you have the market, the providers are likely to negotiate a special deal with you.

Specially negotiating a contract is worth it for the affiliate because it not only brings in revenue, but it solidifies relationships with extremely demanding people, who want exactly what they ask for. And many of them are accustomed to a life of negotiation, so giving them a price break on large quantities of goods shows that you are in tune with their desires. Merchants may be willing to call big orders wholesale accounts, and make money by eliminating the middleman. Just ask. And, while you may not get a price break on services (or you may, based upon the number of users you can potentially send them), you can negotiate to get them provided exactly as you define.

If you are a company’s one “super affiliate” they won’t be equipped with the reporting and automated processes you would enjoy at traditional merchants. You’ll need a combination of trust, open books and confidentiality agreements to ensure that you’re getting the commissions you are due. But the incentive to stay on the straight and narrow is high, because the value add you bring to them is so great.

Earning money online – Easier than you think

If you have great knowledge of a topic, no matter what it is, you might be able to earn quite a bit of money on it. Websites are a great way of improving your income, or even making it your living. The things you need to start up are a few;

You need a website to promote:

If you have no knowledge of how to build a website there are many excellent guides and tutorials. These guides can be easily found thru out the internet, do a simple google search and see what you can find.

We strongly recommend you write your own material, or if you can afford it - hire someone to write it for you. You do not need very much text, but the text you do have is perhaps the most important factor for your page. Not only does your written content improve your visitors experience while visiting your site, it makes the search engines go wild. It is recommended that you use at least 200 words on every page designed to target keywords. Of course you can find more information regarding SEO thru out the web,.


In addition to written content, you should consider adding other graphics as well. This includes banners, buttons and perhaps a few customized dividers. Carefully thought out graphics is an easy way of making your webpage look like you made an effort with it.

You need an affiliate program to send your visitors to

When you are done building your webpage, it is time to figure out how to make money from it. If you offer a product or service for sale or rent - you already have a way of making money. But for those who do not have any products or services, there are others - with sites selling products matching your visitors’ needs - which are willing to pay you for sending them customers. It works in various ways, but the principle stay the same: You are marketing their products for a profit. Some of them pay you a percentage on every sale, others a fixed amount per click. Others still, are paying you a small amount every time your visitors see their banner. The possibilities are endless; you can often combine several affiliate programs to earn multiple incomes.

The process of choosing an affiliate program can be 10 seconds or two years - all depending on the depth of research put into it. You can search for a program and look at the commissions. That way you know you have a competitive affiliate program, and you are likely to earn a quite deal of money - assuming you are driving traffic their way. But, for those of you who are thorough enough to look deeper, it is possible to extend your profits even further. This takes a bit of research and testing, but often you will end up with a very profitable website.

First you need to find out as much about your visitors as you can: Who they are, how they found your website, their age and if they came from a search engine, what search term did they type in? When you have a better view over what kind of people your site is attracting, you can start looking for the ultimate affiliate program. A good tip is to use your most popular search term at Affiliate Ranker, to see what you can find. Often these will be top contenders for your final affiliate program. Use Affiliate Ranker to get a grip on how your keywords - and the affiliate programs associated with them - compares to other businesses. Do not be afraid to try programs not directly related to your topics, as long as you see a connection or you somehow consider it likely to appeal to your visitors.

Once done, you need more visitors

When you are satisfied with your site, it is time to look for your visitors. There are numerous ways of driving traffic to your site - some good, some not so good. Depending on your audience, there might be different ways of getting more visitors, but no matter what type of site you are promoting, one thing is for sure: You need incoming links! Pretty much ALL search engines calculate the importance of a specific site using the number and relevance of the links pointing to your page. As earlier mentioned, the ways of getting these links are many, ranging from hand picking sites and mailing them - to joining link exchanges and more or less automated programs.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Articles your affiliate marketing sites should have

The past few decades have bore witness to the internet being one of the best ways to earn money. Improved communication and safer money transfers make it easier for both the sellers and the buyers to indulge themselves in the act of buying online. Thus, the boom of Affiliate Marketing. The main reason why affiliate marketing has become so popular lies on the simple fact that all you have to do is apply for an affiliate program, pay for the program?s fees (if there are any), establish your pre-seller site, and write away. Simple, isn?t it?Not quite. A number of affiliate marketers do not witness success (or any sales at all) because of the part where they ?write away.? Writing for your affiliate marketing site does not require the skills of a Pulitzer Prize winner, but those of a smart affiliate marketer. Your articles need to have certain qualities that would utilize online resources best, and, of course, turn prospects into closed sales. This article brings you five types of articles your affiliate marketing site should have, if you want to increase your sales (which I know you do!).


People want information. Small is the probability of having a person enter your site and establishing a sale the first time around. They probably didn?t even notice the ?sales pitches? you have placed all over your site in the first place?the main thing that must have been going through their minds is that they need the product, and fast! Generally, people hate hard core sales pitches.

They want to know more about the product. So give your prospects what they want. Give them honest and sincere information on your affiliate marketing site in the form of reviews. Be honest with your reviews. Place any cons that might come in buying the product. And since this is an affiliate marketing program, market your product as well. Do so in a way that ?promotes? the product and not ?sell? it.


Prospects want to know the features of a product the first time they get around to wanting to buy it. If the features of your products are to their liking, they would want to know more about the products. Let them know more of the benefits, instead of features, that come in buying your product. Your product is not the only one in the market, and it probably has other competition out there that have as good, or even better, features than the one you?re selling. But if you can provide your prospects with more benefits than the competition can, the more likely will these register as sales increase.


If you are confident of your product?s ability to sell in the market, do product comparisons. Also, do so in the fairest way possible. Do not highlight all the cons of the competition while highlighting your own product?s benefits. Highlight the benefits of the other product, then compare in such a way that your product comes out on top. Be smart in selecting which benefits of the competitor?s product you are going to highlight.

If the competitor?s product has qualities that yours can?t beat, then opt to ?overlook? that quality, and focus instead on the other product?s benefits which your product can beat. Make sure sales come your way, and not the competitor?s.


Your prospects need to know that real people are using your products. Find people who can attest to the benefits of your products in the real word. You might want to keep the contact information from previous sales. It would be good if your previous customers can provide you with photos of themselves, alongside the products if possible. Once you can convince your prospects that your products are good enough for real people, your sales have nothing else to do but increase.


Keep your affiliate marketing site fresh with news briefs. You might want to include promos, developments, and previously unknown information regarding the product (such as ?studies show that this product (benefits of the product)? or ?Top Marketing groups regard this product as one of the most revolutionary products of the 21st century?). Keep your news briefs concise?do not bombard it with too much information. If you happen to have a dozen new information regarding your product, post them on your affiliate marketing site as a week?s worth of news briefs.

These types of articles can be used all at once, or in a combination. Choose what best works for your affiliate marketing program, or product, and you can be on your way to claim sales commissions that just keep on increasing.
Article Directory

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How To Make Money From Affiliate Loan Programs

Isn't it time you got into business for yourself? You'd love to, but you can't see an economically viable way to start a business - you are taking a big risk by quitting your day job and working at night on your own business seems simply exhausting!However, there is a way which you can get into business for yourself by working from home on your own terms and on your own time. You can work weekends, evenings when you are feeling a little more energetic; even as you have your morning coffee before heading off to the office!After your business really gets going, you may be able to wave good-bye to your boss, your office and that nine-to-five drudgery! Keep reading if you'd like to learn how to make money from affiliate products and become independent.

The first thing you will need to do is to build a website - you don't need to be a computer whiz to do this. There are plenty of tools and templates out there to help you build your own website and they are quite reasonable price-wise.

You can make a website about whatever interests you - a hobby, a favorite subject from college, whatever you are passionate about and knowledgeable in. So how can this make you money? Having a website is how to make money from an affiliate loan program!

You can sign up as an affiliate with a merchant who is selling a loan service; there are many affiliate loan programs out there to get involved in, you can easily find a service which is relevant to your interest. The way this works is that you place a link to the merchant's website on your own - each time someone clicks that link to visit the merchant's site and completes an online application, you will receive a commission for that completed application.

Naturally, the next thing you will need to do is to get more visitors to your website. One of the ways which you can do this is to write content which people will find interesting and establish you as an expert in your field. People are much more inclined to purchase a product or service which carries the endorsement of someone who knows their topic.

You can also write articles and submit them to some of the many article directories on the web. Each of these will have a link back to your website and these articles may be picked up and published on other sites - each of these placements is an opportunity for you to get visitors. Additionally, the more links there are out there on the web to your site, the better your page will do in search engine rankings. This in turn means more traffic - and more profits for you.
Article Directory

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Products Make the Affiliate Marketing World Go Round

Affiliate Marketing has become a relatively easy and convenient way of earning money, thus, attracting quite a number of followers. For those who are new to the business, they have quite a lot to learn before they get to reap the bigger fruits of affiliate marketing. In fact, there?s so much to learn, it is quite difficult to focus on where and how to start on your own affiliate marketing venture.The focal point of affiliate marketing, or of any business enterprise for that matter, is the product. No exchange ever happens if there is no product involved. For those who are new to affiliate marketing, choosing a product to promote might make their head spin like crazy.

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Monday, September 1, 2008

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Daftar sekarang dan dapatkan uang dengan mudah !

Di, anda akan mendapatkan uang setiap klik iklan. Prosesnya cukup mudah anda cuma klik iklan dan lihat beberapa detik kemudian uang masuk kesaldo anda. Anda tidak membutuhkan keahlian. Yang anda butuhkan hanya lihat iklan dan klik yang ada di website kami. Anda bisa mengajak teman anda untuk bergabung dengan kami dan akan mendapatkan komisi...NEXT

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